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     Valsts valoda > Terminoloģija > Terminoloģijas jaunumi > 2003 > 2003 (5/6)     
   Angļu valodas terminu rādītājs     



Angļu valodas terminu rādītājs

abolition of discrimination 2/14

abolition of obstacles 2/14

abolition of restrictions 2/14

abrogation of derogations 2/14

abrogation of exemptions 2/14

absolute majority 2/14

absolute majority of votes cast 2/14

abstention 2/14

acceding state 4/16

accountability 4/16

accusation 4/16

acquired company 4/17

acquiring company 4/17

acquis communautaire 4/17

acquisition of holdings 4/17

act by a majority of [..] 2/14

act of the Council 2/14

act within the limits of the powers 2/14

acting unanimously 2/14

action by staff 4/17

action programme 2/14

acts of administration 4/17

acts of international treaty 4/17

ad hoc committee 2/14

ad hoc Committee on People’s Europe 4/17

addendum 4/17

Additional Protocol 4/17

adjustment 4/17

administrative accountability 4/17

administrative burden 4/17

administrative costs 4/17

administrative decision 4/17

administrative measure of constraint 4/17

administrative order 4/17

administrative revenue 4/17

admissibility 4/17

admission of new Member States 4/17

adoption 2/14, 4/17

adoption of an act 4/17

adverse opinion 2/14

advisory committee 2/14

Advisory Committee on Procurements and Contracts 4/17

Advisory Committee on Restrictive Practices and Dominant Positions 4/17

Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work 2/14

Advisory Committee on the Development and Conversion of Regions 2/14

Advisory Committee on value added tax advisory functions 2/14

advisory status 2/14

Advocate General 2/14

affiliated undertaking 4/17

agency 4/17

agreement 2/14

alien 4/17

allowance 4/27

alternative sentence 4/17

amendment 2/14

annualized 4/30

appellant 2/14

applicant 4/17

applicant State 2/14

application 4/17

application of rules 4/17

application of the Treaty 2/15

Appointing Authority 4/17

appropriate sanctions 2/15

appropriation 2/30, 4/17

appropriations 4/17

arbitrary discrimination 2/15

arbitration award 4/17

arbitration board 4/17

arbitration clause 4/17

arbitration committee 2/15

arbitrator 4/18

Article K.4 Committee 2/15

assent 2/15

assignee 4/18

assignment 4/18

assimilation 3/28

Assistant Rapporteur 2/15

Assistant Registrar 4/18

associated enterprise 4/18

association of undertakings 2/15

audit 3/22

auditor 3/22

authenticated copy 4/18

authority 2/15, 3/8

automatically void 2/15

bailiff 4/18

being 3/25

Benelux countries 2/15

bid 2/24

bidding 2/24

bilateral co-operation 4/18

bilateral development co-operation 4/18

bilingual education 3/30

bilingualism 3/30

Board of Directors 2/15

bottom-up method 3/14

branch 4/18

brand 4/13–14

brand building 4/14

brand loyalty 4/14

brand name 4/14

brand purchase intention 4/14

brand recognition 4/14

brand stretching 4/14

brand valuation 4/14

brand value 4/14

branded goods 4/14

breach of domicile 4/18

breach of procedure 2/15

budgetary authority 4/18

Budgetary Policy Committee 2/15

business 2/24

business economics and management 4/30

businessman 2/24

by common accord 2/15

camera-ready copy 2/24

candidate 4/18

capacity 4/18

capacity to contract 4/18

capacity to exercise rights 4/18

cartridge 2/24

case 4/18

case law 4/18

certificate 4/18

certified copy 4/18

charter 3/29

charter trip 2/24

child care 3/8

civil liability 4/18

civil procedure 4/18

claim 4/18

claimant 4/18

clause 2/15

clearing 3/30

cluster 2/21–22, 4/18

Cohesion Fund 2/15

Commission of the European Communities, European Commission, Commission 2/15

commissioning of an expert’s report 4/18

committee 2/15

Committee for Conformity Assessment 2/15

Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products 2/15

Committee of Governors 2/15

Committee of Inquiry 2/15

Committee of Ministers 2/15

Committee of Origin 2/15

Committee of Recovery 2/15

Committee of the Regions 2/15

common position 4/18

communication 2/15, 3/27

Community’s Excise Committee 2/15

company 2/10

competent authority 4/18

competition law 4/18

cpmprehensive development framework 4/18

computer literacy 2/24

conciliation 4/18

Conciliation Committee 2/15

Conjunctural Policy Committee 2/15

connected undertakings 4/18

consent 2/15

Consultative Committee 2/15

contract 2/15

contractual liability 4/18

controlled competition 4/18

convention 2/15

co-operation procedure 4/18

Coordinating Committee 2/15

Council of Ministers 2/15

Council of European Union 2/16

Council of the European Communities 2/15

country of destination 4/18

Court hereby rules 4/18

Court jurisdiction 4/18

Court of Auditors 2/16

Court of First Instance 2/16

Court of Justice of the European Communities 2/16

court or tribunal of a Member State 4/18

crime against property 4/19

criminal procedure 4/19

criminal record 4/19

cultural literacy 2/24

custody 3/8

customs authority 4/19

Customs Code Committee 2/16

customs duty 4/19

decision 2/16

defamation 4/19

defence 4/19

defendant 4/19

defending party 4/19

dependant 4/19

deregulation 4/19

derogation 2/16

detention 4/19

detention before trial 4/19

Development (Padomes ziņojuma nosaukums) 4/19

development assistance 4/19

development co-operation 4/19

development instruments and programs 4/19

development policy 4/19

directive 2/16

disability 4/19

discontinuance 4/19

due diligence 4/19

easement 2/27

eco-label 4/19

Economic and Monetary Union 2/16

Economic and Social Committee 2/16

economic offence 4/19

economic rights 4/19

EEC-EFTA Joint Committee on Transit 2/16

e-government 2/6

embarkation 4/30

employed person 4/19

Employment Committee 2/16

encumbrance 2/27

enforcement 4/19

enterprice 4/19

environmental literacy 2/24

euro 3/17

European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund 2/16

European Central Bank 2/16

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization 2/16

European Committee for Standardization 2/16

European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO) 4/19

European Convention 4/19

European Council 4/19

European Court of Justice, Court of Justice 2/16

European Development Council 4/19

European Development Funds 4/19

European Investment Bank 2/16

European Monetary Cooperation Fund 2/16

European Monetary System 2/16

European Parliament, Parliament 2/16

European Radiocommunications Committee 2/16

European Regional Development Fund 2/16

European Social Fund 2/16

European System of Central Banks 2/16

Excise Committee 2/16

Executive Committee 2/16

exemption 2/16

existence in law 4/19

factoring 2/25

financial burden 4/19

fine 4/19

firm 2/9

fitness 4/26

foresight 4/28–29

form of order sought 4/19

forward 4/30

framework decision 4/19

franchize 3/29

franchising 4/19

free movement of workers 4/20

freedom of association 4/20

freedom of expression 3/17–19, 4/20

freedom of movement for workers 4/20

freedom of speech 3/18–19 

full-time study 2/25

further development of the law 4/20

gel 3/23

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 4/20

general economic interest 4/20

Green paper 2/16

guidance 4/30

health and safety at work 4/20

hearing 4/20

heavily indebted country 4/20

hold point 2/25

holding 2/25

holding company 2/25

home university 3/24

host university 3/24

household 3/10–11

humanitarian assistance 4/20

humanitarian intervention 3/5

in law or in fact 4/20

information society 4/30

insight 2/25

instrument of ratification 4/20

Insurance Committee 2/16

integrated logistics management 4/11

integrated society 3/28

integration 3/28

intent 4/30

interest in bringing an action 4/20

Internal Market Advisory Committee 2/16

international development 4/20

international human rights law 4/20

intervention 4/20

invoice 2/25

inward 4/30

inward processing 4/20

item 2/25

joint action 4/20

joint committee 2/16

Joint Committee ‘Common Transit’ 4/20

Joint Cooperation Committee 2/16

joint position 4/18

joint undertaking 4/20

joint venture 4/20

judge made law 4/20

judgement by default 4/20

judgement of non pros. 4/20

Judge-Rapporteur 4/20

judicial authority 4/20

judicial inquiry 4/20

judicial investigation 4/20

judicial office 4/20

judicial officer 4/20

judicial remedy 4/20

jurisdiction of the courts 4/20

jurisdiction ratione materiae 4/20

knowledge society 4/30

law 4/20

law of nations 4/20

leasing 3/29

least-developed countries 4/20

legal action 4/21

legal aid 4/21

legal capacity 4/21

legal defence 4/21

legal domicile 4/21

legal effects 4/21

legal expenses 4/21

legal impediments 4/21

legal measures of constraint 4/21

legal order 4/21

legal person governed by private law 4/21

legal proceedings 4/21

legislation 4/21

legislative body 3/13

letters rogatory 4/21

lien 2/27

limitations 2/27

logistics 4/10–12

management 2/7–8

management committee 4/21

Management Committee on Agricultural Structures and Rural Development 4/21

mass communication 4/30

mass media 4/30

micro-enterprise 4/21

misappropriation 2/30

Monetary Committee 2/16

multilateral co-operation 4/21

name of the brand 4/14

national indicative program 4/21

national minority 3/29

national sovereignity 4/21

nationality 4/21

OECD Development Assistance Committee 4/21

offence 4/21

Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2/17

official 4/21

Official Journal 4/21

Official Journal of the European Communities 4/21

Official Publications Office 2/17

offshore 2/25

ombudsman 4/21

operational coordination [between the EU and its Member States] 4/21

operational costs 4/21

operational expenditure 4/21

operative part of the judgement 4/21

opinion 2/17

oral procedure 4/21

oral proceedings 4/21

oral testimony 4/22

organic law 4/22

Organisation for Economic co-operation and Development (OECD) 4/22

outline law 4/22

outward 4/30

outward processing 4/22

parent company 4/22

parent responsibility 3/8

parent undertaking 4/22

parental authority 3/8, 4/22

parental responsibility 4/22

parking-meter 2/21, 24

part-time study 2/25

participating undertaking 4/22

pecuniary penalty 4/22

peer 3/15

peer education 2/25, 3/15

peer educator 3/15

penal institution 4/22

penitentiary 4/22

penitentiary staff 4/22

performance 4/30

perjury 4/22

Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) 2/17

pilot project 2/25, 4/22

Political Committee 2/17

power 4/22

power of attorney 4/22

preliminary ruling 4/22

President of the Court 4/22

primacy of the law 4/22

prison 4/22

prison system 4/22

prisoner 4/22

private land 4/22

private undertaking 4/22

procedure 4/22

procurement logistics 4/11

protected zone 4/22

provide guidance 4/30

provider 4/30

provision 2/17

public authority 4/22

public land 4/22

public prosecution 4/22

public undertaking 4/22

quality control 2/25

quality loop 2/25

quality management 2/25

rate 2/22

rater 2/22

rating 2/21–23

rating scale 2/22

rating table 2/22

rebuttal 4/22

recommendation 2/17

reference 2/21, 23

regional indicative programme 4/22

regulation 2/13, 17, 4/22

regulations 2/13, 17

rejection of an application 4/23

rejoinder 4/23

related undertaking 4/23

release on licence 4/23

reliability 2/25

reply 4/23

report 2/17

resolution 2/17

restrictions 2/27

right[s] 4/23

rules of procedure 4/23

safety 2/25

scanner 2/25

Scientific and Technical Committee 2/17

screening of legislation 4/23

search 4/23

secondary residence 4/23

security 2/25

service delivery 2/25

servitude 2/27

single facility 4/23

single programming document 4/23

small and medium-sized enterprises 4/23

small and medium-sized undertakings 4/23

social cohesion 4/23

social communication 4/30

social integration 3/29

social policy and employment 4/23

source brand 4/14

special treatment 4/23

standing committee 2/17

Standing Management Committee for Fisheries Structures 4/23

Standing Veterinary Committee 2/17

Statistical Office of the European Communities, Statistical Office 2/17

Structural Funds 2/17

sub-committee 2/17

subject matter of the dispute 4/23

subject-matter of the proceedings 4/23

subsidiary company 4/23

subsidiary undertaking 4/23

successful party 4/23

summit 2/25

Supervisory Committee 2/17

supply 4/11

supply logistics 4/11

surveillance 4/23

swiffer 2/25

tag 2/25

talk-show 2/25

tax authority 4/23

Technical Committee 2/17

telecommunication 3/27, 4/30

Textile Committee 2/17

top-down method 3/14

traceability 2/25

transparency 2/23–24

transparency of market 2/24

treaty 2/17

treaty of accession 4/5

trilateral co-operation 4/23

twinning 4/23

twinning contract 3/25

UN development assistance framework 4/23

undertaking 4/19

unsuccessful party 4/23

usufruct 4/23

vertical agreement 4/23

vested powers 4/23

White paper 2/17

worker 4/23


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